Saturday 22 April 2017

thirty four - thirty seven weeks

Today we are 37 weeks and officially full term! We (and our church) have been praying for a full term baby since the beginning and we are so grateful we are at this point. She can come any time now as we are ready when she is! I officially began maternity leave on Good Friday, so that is also very exciting for me.

In the last few weeks we completely finished our nursery! I love being in there and just going through all of her things. The closet is organized and everything is washed. Our change table has wall art above it that displays uplifting words with forest animals, as well as scripture that has been vital to us during this journey. As there are only three weeks left until her due date, we are greatly anticipating her arrival. Every day I say to myself, "this could be it", knowing full well my due date will probably come and go...but I am hopeful! She is still, since 16 weeks, a mover and a shaker. She moves constantly and I still get huge jabs and rolls which are all too reassuring. She has been head down for over two months now and has been fully engaged for two weeks so I am happy about that.

At 35 weeks pregnant we had Magna from Magna Arnott Photography come and shoot our maternity session for us at our home. It was so much fun and I posted some of the photos below. We are so happy she could capture the beauty of this pregnancy so well.